In Brazil it's the "ABNT NBR 5891" from 1977. A lot of government instructions refer to it (just google "NBR 5891 SEFAZ" or "NBR 5891 BACEN"). It does not point to the HALF_EVEN but describe it. Interestingly, many sources assert that in US financial institutions also use the HALF_EVEN. In UK, Europe, US tax calculations, Euro conversions and general arithmetic use HALF_UP. BTW, (.1 / pow(10, p+2)) = pow(10,p+3) This is called "Machine Epsilon" according to some tests I did it can be assumed to be pow(2,-51) - my previous pow(2,-52) worked in 2.6 but failed in 2.7. 2^-50 is still a very low number and can be used safely. The link I provided earlier has some implementations for C++ that could be ported to Python (I haven't tested though) However, I still think def roundf(f, p): from decimal import * return float(Decimal(str(f)).quantize(Decimal(str(pow(10,-p))))) encapsulates the "evil decimal" and closes the issue. Later it could be optimized. In the future, a more accurate approach would be to allow the rounding to be specified per company. Em 23-11-2011 16:38, Raphaƫl Valyi - escreveu: > Hello guys, > > just a word that I find it very interesting to try to recover from the > float lost precision at the rounding stage by looking for the shortest > decimal fraction that rounds correctly back to the true binary value. I > always spotted and insisted a few years ago that even with good coding (not > to be assumed too lightly) rounding would not behave like in a decimal > system and i would make OpenERP numbers awkward at best, but possibly > illegal if some law forces you to adopt some specific rounding technique. > > Going to decimal might be the solution. But If that can not be done > (probably not in 6.1), I think that re-defining a rounding function that > will round like a decimal system (assuming a limited precision) is > something interesting. > > I've been surprise o see that Python 2.7 would use the same technique now. > For instance if you write 0.1 in the interpreter it will write 0.1 while it > would have written 0.10000000000000001 in previous Python versions as it > was closer to the approximated binary value for 0.1. > > I've played a bit with the r2 method provided in > > def r2(f, p=0): > return round(f + cmp(f, 0.0) * (.1 / pow(10, p+2)), p) > Overall it's interesting but I could spot a bug: it has a very limited > precision. > If you try r2(1.00499, 2) you get 1.01 instead of 1.00 > > After my very little test, you can increase the precision of it by putting > more then 2 in p+2, like: > def r2(f, p=0): > return round(f + cmp(f, 0.0) * (.1 / pow(10, p+5)), p) > > This increases the precision apparently. I didn't bother computing what > would be the maximal precision one could reach. > > Now some questions: > Do one of you know if that approach is totally flawed? If yes, could you > provide some counter example that given some limited entry precision would > fail to round a 2 digits like a decimal system? > > @Cloves, do you have some law text that says we should use ROUND_HALF_EVEN ? > I've always looked for that and never found anything. Even in France I > couldn't find such a text law (except for the old Franc / Euro conversion I > think; but hey it may become actual again ;-) ) > > > Regards. > > > On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Ferdinand @ Camptocamp< >