Incomplete profiling info (a lot of nulls)

Bug #1397962 reported by WoZ
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Percona Server moved to
Status tracked in 5.7

Bug Description

There are a lot of null values for extra types in profiler's info. Types with nulls: CPU_user, CPU_system, Context_voluntary, Context_involuntary, Block_ops_in, Block_ops_out, Messages_sent, Messages_received, Page_faults_major, Page_faults_minor, Swaps.

Percona server (built by percona) versions:

OS: Centos, Linux db2 2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 9 21:36:05 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


mysql> set profiling=1;
mysql> select * from table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6';
mysql> show profiles;
| Query_ID | Duration | Query |
| 1 | 0.00021400 | select * from table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6' |

mysql> show profile all for query 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
             Status: starting
           Duration: 0.000027
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: NULL
        Source_file: NULL
        Source_line: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
             Status: checking permissions
           Duration: 0.000003
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: check_access
        Source_line: 4980
*************************** 3. row ***************************
             Status: Opening tables
           Duration: 0.000014
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: open_tables
        Source_line: 4949
*************************** 4. row ***************************
             Status: System lock
           Duration: 0.000008
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: mysql_lock_tables
        Source_line: 299
*************************** 5. row ***************************
             Status: init
           Duration: 0.000016
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: mysql_select
        Source_line: 2620
*************************** 6. row ***************************
             Status: optimizing
           Duration: 0.000005
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: optimize
        Source_line: 887
*************************** 7. row ***************************
             Status: statistics
           Duration: 0.000056
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: optimize
        Source_line: 1097
*************************** 8. row ***************************
             Status: preparing
           Duration: 0.000011
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: optimize
        Source_line: 1119
*************************** 9. row ***************************
             Status: executing
           Duration: 0.000002
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: exec
        Source_line: 1877
*************************** 10. row ***************************
             Status: Sending data
           Duration: 0.000034
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: exec
        Source_line: 2421
*************************** 11. row ***************************
             Status: end
           Duration: 0.000004
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: mysql_select
        Source_line: 2656
*************************** 12. row ***************************
             Status: query end
           Duration: 0.000003
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: mysql_execute_command
        Source_line: 4669
*************************** 13. row ***************************
             Status: closing tables
           Duration: 0.000006
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: mysql_execute_command
        Source_line: 4721
*************************** 14. row ***************************
             Status: freeing items
           Duration: 0.000021
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: mysql_parse
        Source_line: 5902
*************************** 15. row ***************************
             Status: logging slow query
           Duration: 0.000001
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: log_slow_statement
        Source_line: 1615
*************************** 16. row ***************************
             Status: cleaning up
           Duration: 0.000003
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: dispatch_command
        Source_line: 1467

Revision history for this message
Nilnandan Joshi (nilnandan-joshi) wrote :
Download full text (7.4 KiB)

Verified with 5.5.40 and 5.6.21

nilnandan@Dell-XPS:~/sandboxes/msb_5_5_40$ mysql -uroot -p --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox5540.sock
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.5.40-36.1 Percona Server (GPL), Release 36.1, Revision 707

Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> set profiling=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6'' at line 1
mysql> show profiles;
| Query_ID | Duration | Query |
| 1 | 0.00013175 | select * from table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6' |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show profile all for query 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
             Status: starting
           Duration: 0.000091
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: NULL
        Source_file: NULL
        Source_line: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
             Status: freeing items
           Duration: 0.000032
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: mysql_parse
        Source_line: 5931
*************************** 3. row ***************************
             Status: logging slow query
           Duration: 0.000004
           CPU_user: NULL
         CPU_system: NULL
  Context_voluntary: NULL
Context_involuntary: NULL
       Block_ops_in: NULL
      Block_ops_out: NULL
      Messages_sent: NULL
  Messages_received: NULL
  Page_faults_major: NULL
  Page_faults_minor: NULL
              Swaps: NULL
    Source_function: log_slow_statement
        Source_line: 1625
*************************** 4. row ***************************
             Status: ...


Revision history for this message
Laurynas Biveinis (laurynas-biveinis) wrote :

Nil, is this an upstream issue?

Revision history for this message
Nilnandan Joshi (nilnandan-joshi) wrote :

Laurynas, No, its not in upstream.

[root@centos65 ~]# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.6.21 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> set profiling=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6'' at line 1
mysql> show profiles;
| Query_ID | Duration | Query |
| 1 | 0.00391050 | select * from table where user_id='464b15d6794611e48d7bd4bed9a94cc6' |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> show profile all for query 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
             Status: starting
           Duration: 0.003781
           CPU_user: 0.000000
         CPU_system: 0.000000
  Context_voluntary: 1
Context_involuntary: 0
       Block_ops_in: 56
      Block_ops_out: 0
      Messages_sent: 0
  Messages_received: 0
  Page_faults_major: 1
  Page_faults_minor: 5
              Swaps: 0
    Source_function: NULL
        Source_file: NULL
        Source_line: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
             Status: freeing items
           Duration: 0.000092
           CPU_user: 0.000000
         CPU_system: 0.000000
  Context_voluntary: 0
Context_involuntary: 0
       Block_ops_in: 0
      Block_ops_out: 0
      Messages_sent: 0
  Messages_received: 0
  Page_faults_major: 0
  Page_faults_minor: 0
              Swaps: 0
    Source_function: mysql_parse
        Source_line: 6292
*************************** 3. row ***************************
             Status: cleaning up
           Duration: 0.000038
           CPU_user: 0.000000
         CPU_system: 0.000000
  Context_voluntary: 0
Context_involuntary: 0
       Block_ops_in: 0
      Block_ops_out: 0
      Messages_sent: 0
  Messages_received: 0
  Page_faults_major: 0
  Page_faults_minor: 0
              Swaps: 0
    Source_function: dispatch_command
        Source_line: 1772
3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


Revision history for this message
WoZ (d-menshikov) wrote :


Revision history for this message
redguy (mateusz-kijowski) wrote :

bump :-)

Revision history for this message
Teodor Milkov (tm-del) wrote :

Bug still present in percona 5.6.27-75.0.

Revision history for this message
Shahriyar Rzayev (rzayev-sehriyar) wrote :

Percona now uses JIRA for bug reports so this bug report is migrated to:

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