Comment 0 for bug 1474635

Revision history for this message
quandan (2508837716-y) wrote :

current build number: 62
device name: arale
channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.en-proposed
last update: 2015-07-14 04:58:18
version version: 62
version ubuntu: 20150708.1
version device: 20150709-8965e37
version custom: 20150709-814-6-40

1. Open the system settings
2.Set the language in Spanish
3.Restart the phone
4.Go to photos scope
5. Press the settings icon on the top right corner

The settings page must displayed in Spanish

Actual result:
The settings page mostly is still in English ,only a few words has been translated in Spanish , like photos,my photos , the rest of the sentences are still in English