misc/generic/grub_boothole failed with oem 5.13 kernel

Bug #1931850 reported by Alex Tu
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Provider for Plainbox - PC Sanity
Fix Committed
Shih-Yuan Lee

Bug Description

/boot/vmlinuz-5.13.0-1002-oem has invalid signature for Secure Boot.
Please refer to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EheQcQ5fzdwW_JOXz5LChqObu6di4GztkxRtVxtUYGs/edit#heading=h.ek2fnosafgow for this test case.

Alex Tu (alextu)
Changed in plainbox-provider-pc-sanity:
assignee: nobody → Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars)
importance: Undecided → Critical
Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

This test is correct because of "/boot/vmlinuz-5.13.0-1002-oem has invalid signature for Secure Boot."
vmlinuz-5.13.0-1002-oem with invalid signature is because it is from ppa:canonical-kernel-team/unstable.
If we use 5.13 kernel from focal-proposed, there should be no such problem.

Changed in plainbox-provider-pc-sanity:
status: New → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
Alex Tu (alextu) wrote :

It's still failed with 5.13.0-1003

ubuntu@CANONICALID:~$ checkbox-cli list | grep grub
Using sideloaded provider: plainbox-provider-checkbox, version 0.56.0.dev0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/plainbox-provider-checkbox
Using sideloaded provider: plainbox-provider-pc-sanity, version 1.20.0.dev0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/plainbox-provider-pc-sanity
        file '/var/tmp/checkbox-providers/plainbox-provider-pc-sanity/bin/check_grub_boothole.sh'
        job 'com.canonical.certification::misc/generic/grub_boothole'
ubuntu@CANONICALID:~$ checkbox-cli run com.canonical.certification::misc/generic/grub_boothole
Using sideloaded provider: plainbox-provider-checkbox, version 0.56.0.dev0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/plainbox-provider-checkbox
Using sideloaded provider: plainbox-provider-pc-sanity, version 1.20.0.dev0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/plainbox-provider-pc-sanity
===========================[ Running Selected Jobs ]============================
--------------[ Running job 1 / 1. Estimated time left: unknown ]---------------
-------------------------[ misc/generic/grub_boothole ]-------------------------
ID: com.canonical.certification::misc/generic/grub_boothole
Category: com.canonical.plainbox::uncategorised
Unable to create symlink s/var/tmp/checkbox-providers/plainbox-provider-pc-sanity/bin/check-turbostat-power-residency.sh -> /tmp/nest-a21wolek.04bfe4a6338ac88524eff6315de3cf87e87efc958b7e000d00a29cda766ddd1c/check-turbostat-power-residency.sh: FileExistsError(17, 'File exists')
... 8< -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Secure Boot Signing (2017)
Linux kernel '5.13.0-1003-oem' is not in the check list yet. Please report the bug.
Please refer to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EheQcQ5fzdwW_JOXz5LChqObu6di4GztkxRtVxtUYGs/edit#heading=h.ek2fnosafgow for this test case.

Changed in plainbox-provider-pc-sanity:
status: Incomplete → Confirmed
Changed in plainbox-provider-pc-sanity:
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :
Changed in plainbox-provider-pc-sanity:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
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