Inband disk erase will fail in ironic clean step if pass HDD and SSD drives together with the following error:
ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent_base_vendor [-] Agent returned error for clean step {u'interface': u'deploy', u'priority': 0, u'step': u'erase_devices', u'abortable': False} on node c01af050-fac3-4cb0-8cf1-b646239ab76b : {u'message': u'Clean step failed: Error performing clean_step erase_devices: An error was encountered while doing ssa configuration: Unexpected error while running command.\nCommand: ssacli controller slot=0 pd 1I:2:2,1I:2:1 modify erase erasepattern=zero forced\nExit code: 1\nStdout: u\'\\nError: physicaldrive 1I:2:2\\nThis operation is not supported with the current configuration. Use the "show" \\ncommand on devices to show additional details about the configuration.\\n\\nReason: Physical drive not eraseable from status\\n\\n\'\nStderr: u\'\'.', u'code': 500, u'type': u'CleaningError', u'details': u'Error performing clean_step erase_devices: An error was encountered while doing ssa configuration: Unexpected error while running command.\nCommand: ssacli controller slot=0 pd 1I:2:2,1I:2:1 modify erase erasepattern=zero forced\nExit code: 1\nStdout: u\'\\nError: physicaldrive 1I:2:2\\nThis operation is not supported with the current configuration. Use the "show" \\ncommand on devices to show additional details about the configuration.\\n\\nReason: Physical drive not eraseable from status\\n\\n\'\nStderr: u\'\'.'}.