The default glance_control_exchange in Ceilometer has been changed
from 'glance_notifications' to 'glance' in grizzly-2. Glance always
had 'glance' for its control_exchange.
This was a bug in Ceilometer and puppet-ceilometer patched it.
It shouldn't anymore.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/69746 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ puppet- ceilometer/ commit/ ?id=85d46894cca 6ba80e8cb57243d de57e44cffa443
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 85d46894cca6ba8 0e8cb57243dde57 e44cffa443
Author: Mathieu Gagné <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Jan 28 18:18:00 2014 -0500
Do not enforce glance_ control_ exchange
The default glance_ control_ exchange in Ceilometer has been changed notifications' to 'glance' in grizzly-2. Glance always
from 'glance_
had 'glance' for its control_exchange.
This was a bug in Ceilometer and puppet-ceilometer patched it.
It shouldn't anymore.
Change-Id: I217515c91f092f b3e8039dde2d14a 7ab4cbb7245
Closes-bug: #1273878