Add log_dir param. by default and allow users to disable it
* add log_dir param (and configure it to /var/log/glance) by default.
* fix log_file missing setting on glance::registry
* allow users to disable log_dir and log_file with « false » argument.
Closes-bug: #1282296
(cherry picked from commit 1d5a298f4110842d71860c8f9fda722914dbba73)
Change-Id: I0689fa15199e69cf16ff306050776d150365a09c
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/75914 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ puppet- glance/ commit/ ?id=11c2c91fb19 2ce0811f8fffa52 19f0d104b172f2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/havana
commit 11c2c91fb192ce0 811f8fffa5219f0 d104b172f2
Author: Sebastien Badia <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 20 13:31:58 2014 +0100
Add log_dir param. by default and allow users to disable it
* add log_dir param (and configure it to /var/log/glance) by default.
* fix log_file missing setting on glance::registry
* allow users to disable log_dir and log_file with « false » argument.
Closes-bug: #1282296 d71860c8f9fda72 2914dbba73) cf16ff306050776 d150365a09c
(cherry picked from commit 1d5a298f4110842
Change-Id: I0689fa15199e69