Newer versions of keystone-client have changed the error message when an
invalid password is passed in. Update the logic so that puppet can
update passwords for users.
Change-Id: I090f7e2ee62ee189f37921c091fe51b6d587cd74
Closes-Bug: 1340447
(cherry picked from commit 1e21f7cbc28adbc28089b967c253f15e1e86d75d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/106788 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ puppet- keystone/ commit/ ?id=10220d7ee54 58fe2144e11f56e 77a74afa1a79e7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit 10220d7ee5458fe 2144e11f56e77a7 4afa1a79e7
Author: Matt Fischer <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 10 21:36:22 2014 -0600
Fix password update for users
Newer versions of keystone-client have changed the error message when an
invalid password is passed in. Update the logic so that puppet can
update passwords for users.
Change-Id: I090f7e2ee62ee1 89f37921c091fe5 1b6d587cd74 28089b967c253f1 5e1e86d75d)
Closes-Bug: 1340447
(cherry picked from commit 1e21f7cbc28adbc