Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: stable/yoga
commit f1981d057f08f9229eba2e8191dc06b22be1cffd Author: Takashi Kajinami <email address hidden> Date: Mon Mar 20 18:26:17 2023 +0900
[coordination] backend_url should be secret
The backend_url option can sometimes contain secrets.
For example when redis coordination backend is used and authentication is enabled in redis, the plain redis password is put as an URL element.
[coordination] backend_url=redis://:password@
Closes-Bug: #2012246 Change-Id: I0ee95fc56130e51bf5c799d252e79a469492b7db (cherry picked from commit 541395c42414c40d105ce206e2f200456bbc375f) (cherry picked from commit bda31ec62c3eaa7fcdd25d69f97742744debf915) (cherry picked from commit be775801e33313305b5d90dca10bae166e6938c8)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /designate/ +/878010 /opendev. org/openstack/ designate/ commit/ f1981d057f08f92 29eba2e8191dc06 b22be1cffd
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/yoga
commit f1981d057f08f92 29eba2e8191dc06 b22be1cffd
Author: Takashi Kajinami <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 20 18:26:17 2023 +0900
[coordination] backend_url should be secret
The backend_url option can sometimes contain secrets.
For example when redis coordination backend is used and authentication
is enabled in redis, the plain redis password is put as an URL element.
[coordination] url=redis: //:password@ 127.0.0. 1:6379
Closes-Bug: #2012246 1bf5c799d252e79 a469492b7db d105ce206e2f200 456bbc375f) fcdd25d69f97742 744debf915) 05b5d90dca10bae 166e6938c8)
Change-Id: I0ee95fc56130e5
(cherry picked from commit 541395c42414c40
(cherry picked from commit bda31ec62c3eaa7
(cherry picked from commit be775801e333133