Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/juno
commit e79ea8c834ae72c3137ab65f73d4fc0586870b84 Author: Emilien Macchi <email address hidden> Date: Tue Apr 21 13:07:05 2015 -0400
MySQL: change default MySQL collate to utf8_general_ci
Install & configure MySQL database by using utf8_general_ci collation which is the way documented in OpenStack [1] and already the default in puppetlabs-mysql [2].
[1] [2]
Closes-bug: #1446375 (cherry picked from commit 08be3c0df1bce50cdc2f2f85cf0d9ea1016faca9)
Conflicts: manifests/db/mysql.pp
Change-Id: I94c912cfabf2213b466f9c15f8e7bdbc1e48325e
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/176516 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ puppet- cinder/ commit/ ?id=e79ea8c834a e72c3137ab65f73 d4fc0586870b84
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno
commit e79ea8c834ae72c 3137ab65f73d4fc 0586870b84
Author: Emilien Macchi <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 21 13:07:05 2015 -0400
MySQL: change default MySQL collate to utf8_general_ci
Install & configure MySQL database by using utf8_general_ci collation
which is the way documented in OpenStack [1] and already the default
in puppetlabs-mysql [2].
[1] http:// GA5gyZ /github. com/puppetlabs/ puppetlabs- mysql/blob/ master/ manifests/ db.pp#L7
[2] https:/
Closes-bug: #1446375 cdc2f2f85cf0d9e a1016faca9)
(cherry picked from commit 08be3c0df1bce50
Conflicts: db/mysql. pp
Change-Id: I94c912cfabf221 3b466f9c15f8e7b dbc1e48325e