Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 49505b9aec05ec42e0a809ec51935c2324d5f3a6 Author: Jeremy Liu <email address hidden> Date: Thu Jul 27 15:08:54 2017 +0800
Workaround for importing objects from old path
Many projects are importing secrets and containers from barbicanclient, the refactor change needs to keep compatiable for this.
This is workaround for that and marked as deprecation.
Change-Id: Ibc9b525f1abe0a7627759e438977a6bf6b86bed6 Closes-bug: #1706841
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/487721 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- barbicanclient/ commit/ ?id=49505b9aec0 5ec42e0a809ec51 935c2324d5f3a6
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 49505b9aec05ec4 2e0a809ec51935c 2324d5f3a6
Author: Jeremy Liu <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 27 15:08:54 2017 +0800
Workaround for importing objects from old path
Many projects are importing secrets and containers from barbicanclient,
the refactor change needs to keep compatiable for this.
This is workaround for that and marked as deprecation.
Change-Id: Ibc9b525f1abe0a 7627759e438977a 6bf6b86bed6
Closes-bug: #1706841