OpenStack client is not a runtime dependency of inspector client,
and having it in requirements just brings in many dependencies
which might not be needed at all when using the Python API of the client
only (for example in server-side applications, like ironic-conductor).
Although dependency on osc-lib is enough for unit and functional tests
to pass.
Also, add a setuptools 'extra' so that users can install openstackclient
together with inspector client:
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/453125 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- ironic- inspector- client/ commit/ ?id=1538d568366 1d6c490853c7349 51646a7affa08f
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 1538d5683661d6c 490853c73495164 6a7affa08f
Author: Anton Arefiev <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 4 13:46:02 2017 +0300
Do not depend on python- openstackclient
OpenStack client is not a runtime dependency of inspector client,
and having it in requirements just brings in many dependencies
which might not be needed at all when using the Python API of the client
only (for example in server-side applications, like ironic-conductor).
Although dependency on osc-lib is enough for unit and functional tests
to pass.
Also, add a setuptools 'extra' so that users can install openstackclient
together with inspector client:
pip install python- ironic- inspector- client[ cli]
Co-Authored-By: Pavlo Shchelokovskyy <email address hidden> 05cc7905b221abb 81d144e0f8b
Closes-Bug: #1562023
Change-Id: I430549146a25eb