We lose the original trackback because a second exception is recorded while piston-miniclient tries to log the error, but there's enough info to be certain that the issue is in reviewsapp.api.handlers.SubmitUsefulnessHandler.create:
usefulness, created = Usefulness.objects.get_or_create( review=review, user=request.user)
The MultipleObjectsReturned seems to imply that it is already possible for a user to create 2 recommendations for a single review... and we're erroring when they try to create a third :). Checking the model, there is currently no db constraint for this on the Usefulness model... we should add one with a migration to delete duplicates (or is there a reason why a single user should have multiple recommendations for a review?)
We're seeing numerous oopses each day on reviews.ubuntu.com for posts to (for example) /reviews/ api/1.0/ reviews/ 11039/recommend ations/
with tracebacks like: https:/ /pastebin. canonical. com/49101/
We lose the original trackback because a second exception is recorded while piston-miniclient tries to log the error, but there's enough info to be certain that the issue is in reviewsapp. api.handlers. SubmitUsefulnes sHandler. create: objects. get_or_ create(
review= review, user=request.user) Returned seems to imply that it is already possible for a user to create 2 recommendations for a single review... and we're erroring when they try to create a third :). Checking the model, there is currently no db constraint for this on the Usefulness model... we should add one with a migration to delete duplicates (or is there a reason why a single user should have multiple recommendations for a review?)
usefulness, created = Usefulness.
The MultipleObjects