Thanks for the info! Following the instructions with the updated docs works until the step where indices are added. Creating the indices fails on my machine:
I am guessing "hdb" needs to be changed to whatever your database is. In my case, I just used the Ubuntu defaults from 16.04 installation, resulting in the following dn:
Thanks for the info! Following the instructions with the updated docs works until the step where indices are added. Creating the indices fails on my machine:
$ sudo ldapmodify -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f samba_indices.ldif {1}hdb, cn=config"
modifying entry "olcDatabase=
ldap_modify: No such object (32)
matched DN: cn=config
I am guessing "hdb" needs to be changed to whatever your database is. In my case, I just used the Ubuntu defaults from 16.04 installation, resulting in the following dn:
$ sudo ls /etc/ldap/ slapd.d/ cn\=config | grep Database= | grep db.ldif ={1}mdb. ldif
However, after changing the first line in samba_indices.ldif to:
dn: olcDatabase= {1}mdb, cn=config
there are still errors:
$ sudo ldapmodify -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f samba_indices.ldif {1}mdb, cn=config"
modifying entry "olcDatabase=
ldap_modify: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80)
additional info: duplicate index definition for attr "uidNumber"