Comment 5 for bug 620136

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Patrick Rynhart (prynhart) wrote :

Hi Mario. Thanks for your feedback. Yes, the "Ctrl+Cursor keys" option allows you to define the end point exactly - however, at present there is an issue with regard to getting the starting location exact. If there is some support that could be added for this, this would be appreciated. In my experience, it was difficult to get the starting position exact on a 1920x1200 monitor (I could *see* that I was off in the preview but couldn't do anything about it!). Can I suggest that the arrow keys (without any modifiers) be used to position the pointer prior to the selection being started. Also, if a keypress could be used to also start the selection (in addition to the left mouse button). Otherwise it could be possible to move the mouse cursor when attempting to left click once the starting point has been positioned exactly with the keyboard - thus defeating the point of using the keyboard in the first instance. Many Thanks, Patrick