$SNAP_USER_COMMON empty when getent cannot be found in $PATH

Bug #2090938 reported by Alex Lowe
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

This seems to be a regression when changing how user data directories are built, as it works on Jammy (snapd 2.63+22.04ubuntu0.1) but not on noble (snapd 2.66.1).

If getent can't be found in $PATH when running a snap, snapd will output a warning:

2024/12/03 15:17:52.136805 cmd_run.go:1276: WARNING: cannot create user data directory: cannot get the current user: getent could not be executed: exec: "getent": executable file not found in $PATH

and then set the SNAP_USER_COMMON environment variable to be empty (or maybe not set it?)

This means that an app that depends on $SNAP_USER_COMMON (e.g. charmcraft: https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/blob/c13f20ae65b6a4d3657dcdd30b2f606ccae86163/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L63) will get an empty directory for that and may try to write to /.

To reproduce:

sudo snap install --classic charmcraft --channel=2.x/stable
echo '$SNAP/bin/python -c "from charmcraft import env; print(env.get_host_shared_cache_path())"' | PATH=/snap/bin /usr/bin/snap run --shell charmcraft

Expected behaviour occurs on jammy: https://github.com/canonical/craft-platforms/actions/runs/12142670371/job/33857713122

Actual behaviour on noble: https://github.com/canonical/craft-platforms/actions/runs/12142670371/job/33857714001

Alex Lowe (lengau)
description: updated
Alex Lowe (lengau)
summary: - $SNAP_USER_COMMON incorrect when getent cannot be found in $PATH
+ $SNAP_USER_COMMON empty when getent cannot be found in $PATH
Revision history for this message
Alex Lowe (lengau) wrote :

This does not appear to break on 25.04 with snapd 2.66.1+25.04:

$ echo '$SNAP/bin/python -c "from charmcraft import env; print(env.get_host_shared_cache_path())"' | PATH=/snap/bin /usr/bin/snap run --shell charmcraft_2

Revision history for this message
Alex Lowe (lengau) wrote (last edit ):

Confirmed in a fresh plucky LXD container (started with oracular, ran `do-release-upgrade -d`) that this issue does not occur, but that it does in oracular. In both cases, the snapd revision is 23258.

$ lxc shell plucky
root@plucky:~# echo 'env|grep SNAP_USER' | PATH=/snap/bin /usr/bin/snap run --shell charmcraft
error: snap "charmcraft" is not installed
root@plucky:~# snap install --classic charmcraft
2024-12-03T16:54:52Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
charmcraft 3.2.2 from Canonical✓ installed
root@plucky:~# echo 'env|grep SNAP_USER' | PATH=/snap/bin /usr/bin/snap run --shell charmcraft
root@plucky:~# snap version
snap 2.66.1+25.04
snapd 2.66.1+25.04
series 16
ubuntu 25.04
kernel 6.11.0-9-generic

$ lxc shell oracular
root@oracular:~# echo 'env|grep SNAP_USER' | PATH=/snap/bin /usr/bin/snap run --shell charmcraft
2024/12/03 16:56:00.416539 cmd_run.go:1276: WARNING: cannot create user data directory: cannot get the current user: getent could not be executed: exec: "getent": executable file not found in $PATH
2024/12/03 16:56:00.416623 cmd_run.go:1281: WARNING: cannot copy user Xauthority file: cannot get the current user: getentcould not be executed: exec: "getent": executable file not found in $PATH
root@oracular:~# snap version
snap 2.66.1
snapd 2.66.1
series 16
ubuntu 24.10
kernel 6.11.0-9-generic

Revision history for this message
Ernest Lotter (ernestl) wrote :

The observed behaviour happens anywhere where the snapd snap >= 2.66.1 runs.
As per above examples, the version "snap 2.66.1+25.04" indicates snapd deb is active.

Another way to confirm this is: `SNAPD_DEBUG=1 snap version`
output: `logger.go:99: DEBUG: snap (at "/snap/snapd/current") is older ("2.66.1") than distribution package ("2.66.1+25.04")`

This change in behavior was introduced into snapd 2.66.1 here: https://github.com/canonical/snapd/pull/13776
The snapd snap is build with tag: `snapdusergo` which picks `osutil/user/user_from_snap.go` (the getent based user lookup) instead of `osutil/user/user.go` (the LDAP based user lookup).

Execution path for error cmd_run.go:1276: WARNING: cannot create user data directory: cannot get the current user: getent could not be executed: exec: "getent": executable file not found in $PATH":

https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/cmd_run.go#L1275 ->
https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/cmd_run.go#L394 ->
https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/osutil/user/user_from_snap.go#L42 ->
https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/osutil/user/getent.go#L179 ->
https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/osutil/user/getent.go#L61 ->
https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/osutil/user/getent.go#L33 ->

This happens in the snap run context, BEFORE snap calls snap-confine, and before any interaction with env passed on to snap confine. https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/cmd_run.go#L1354

Also, snap-confine, itself will reset $PATH to ensure it is what it should be, and not externally manipulated: https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap-confine/snap-confine.c#L887

The problem is that the $PATH provided to `snap run`, `PATH=/snap/bin`, is used by
https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/cmd_run.go#L1275 and getent cannot be found by exec.Command() that looks at $PATH

Removing `PATH=` works always:

echo 'env|grep SNAP_USER' | /usr/bin/snap run --shell charmcraft

echo '$SNAP/bin/python -c "from charmcraft import env; print(env.get_host_shared_cache_path())"' | /usr/bin/snap run --shell charmcraft

Why specify `PATH=/snap/bin` ??

Revision history for this message
Alex Lowe (lengau) wrote :

Thanks for the great additional details Ernest!

[1]: Thanks for the explanation - switching to the beta channel (2.67) let me reproduce this on plucky.
[2]: That makes sense, though the loss of SNAP_USER_COMMON is surprising to users of snapd
[3]: Perhaps that PATH could be used as a fallback if getent can't be found on the provided PATH?
In answer to your question about why specify PATH, the example of `PATH=/snap/bin` is just to illustrate a PATH that won't contain getent. The original place where this was found (https://github.com/canonical/operator-workflows/issues/496) was resetting the environment and leaving PATH unset, which results in no SNAP_USER_COMMON environment variable.

I'm uncertain about correctness guarantees of SNAP_USER_COMMON before the PR #13776, but in snapd 2.63 at least, SNAP_USER_COMMON is set to a user-writable directory. After this PR, SNAP_USER_COMMON is unset, causing unexpected behaviour with the given apps definition in charmcraft's snap.yaml (irrelevant parts excluded):

    command: bin/python3 -u $SNAP/bin/charmcraft

Here Charmcraft is detecting the cache directory in a snap-agnostic manner (specifically using the platformdirs package for Python, which looks up the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable if it is set). Because snap doesn't set SNAP_USER_COMMON, when setting up the app this configuration also causes it to set XDG_CACHE_HOME to /cache before launching the application.

The documentation (https://snapcraft.io/docs/environment-variables#heading--snap-user-common) implies that SNAP_USER_COMMON will always be available. Even changing charmcraft's snap.yaml as follows:

    command: bin/python3 -u $SNAP/bin/charmcraft
      XDG_CACHE_HOME: ${SNAP_USER_COMMON:-$HOME/snap/charmcraft/common}/cache
      BOOP: ${BOOPITY_BOOP:-default}

results the same XDG_CACHE_HOME and an empty BOOP environment variable, so we also don't (AFAIK) have a way to have XDG_CACHE_HOME fall back to a safe default.

A simpler reproducer (though with a strictly confined snap rather than classic - not that I think that's relevant to this bug) is:

echo 'echo $SNAP_USER_COMMON' | PATH= /usr/bin/snap run --shell hello

Revision history for this message
Ernest Lotter (ernestl) wrote :

[4] Understood thanks.

We are working/thinking on solution avoid a bad PATH affecting snap run in any way, should be pretty simple.

What I further take from your point, is the we should also reconsider if it is correct, in principle, to only log a warning if user directories cannot be created as we currently do: https://github.com/canonical/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/cmd_run.go#L1276

Revision history for this message
Ernest Lotter (ernestl) wrote :

Please confirm that this issue can be worked around by avoiding empty $PATH in the test where the issue was original discovered?

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