looks like glibc 2.10.1 is in Karmic, but http://repo.or.cz/w/glibc.git?a=commitdiff;h=1f3615a1c97a030bca59f728f998947f852679b9;hp=9e471dad8e173806cbbfb704875d5ae40e36fa34 says that the fallocate*() functions are new in glibc 2.11.
We should revisit this in 10.4... this would be an improvement.
looks like glibc 2.10.1 is in Karmic, but http:// repo.or. cz/w/glibc. git?a=commitdif f;h=1f3615a1c97 a030bca59f728f9 98947f852679b9; hp=9e471dad8e17 3806cbbfb704875 d5ae40e36fa34 says that the fallocate*() functions are new in glibc 2.11.
We should revisit this in 10.4... this would be an improvement.