[ Charles Kerr ]
* Don't log an error if powerd isn't available on the system. (LP:
* Add support for x-canonical-alarm and x-canonical-disabled tags in
VTODO categories so that disabled alarms will not be displayed. (LP:
* Change notifications for calendar events s.t. the sound is
nonrepeating and the notification is temporary, not requiring user
interaction to disappear. (LP: #1320880)
* After a one-time Ubuntu alarm's notification is displayed, disable
the alarm. (LP: #1362341)
-- Ubuntu daily release <email address hidden> Mon, 08 Dec 2014 23:09:20 +0000
This bug was fixed in the package indicator-datetime - 13.10.0+ 15.04.20141208- 0ubuntu1
--------------- 0+15.04. 20141208- 0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=low
indicator-datetime (13.10.
[ Charles Kerr ] disabled tags in
* Don't log an error if powerd isn't available on the system. (LP:
* Add support for x-canonical-alarm and x-canonical-
VTODO categories so that disabled alarms will not be displayed. (LP:
* Change notifications for calendar events s.t. the sound is
nonrepeating and the notification is temporary, not requiring user
interaction to disappear. (LP: #1320880)
* After a one-time Ubuntu alarm's notification is displayed, disable
the alarm. (LP: #1362341)
-- Ubuntu daily release <email address hidden> Mon, 08 Dec 2014 23:09:20 +0000