Ubuntu Trusty kernel does not contain this commit.
Before this patch, Trusty is missing:
* 16e7549f045d33b0c5b0ebf19d08439e9221d40c
And this 16e7549 seems to be affected by commit 011f5ca18b53bf4c5db545f4b372d3e67a0052a4 in Trusty tree, which is a backport for e02119d5a7b4396c5a872582fddc8bd6d305a70a upstream
Ubuntu Trusty kernel does not contain this commit.
Before this patch, Trusty is missing: 0c5b0ebf19d0843 9e9221d40c
* 16e7549f045d33b
And this 16e7549 seems to be affected by commit 011f5ca18b53bf4 c5db545f4b372d3 e67a0052a4 in Trusty tree, which is a backport for e02119d5a7b4396 c5a872582fddc8b d6d305a70a upstream