From a conversation with Guilherme, I told him that this is likely due to verifier changes that are due, but that were not followed up by correspondent test_verifier changes.
Here is some excerpt from that conversation, where some commits are referred:
My bet are these two 9df9f9349abf7ab830aaa8d9eeaf5dcc3ba97f82 and a29fd91d1ec403d8fcc61ea9e724fcdfa1f20dce.
@gpiccoli though it looks like the test has both strings, one for unpriv, other for priv, so maybe the check is now also failing the same way for priv.
@gpiccoli d7a5091351756d0ae8e63134313c455624e36a13, at least the bounds.c seem relevant.
From a conversation with Guilherme, I told him that this is likely due to verifier changes that are due, but that were not followed up by correspondent test_verifier changes.
Here is some excerpt from that conversation, where some commits are referred:
" 830aaa8d9eeaf5d cc3ba97f82 and a29fd91d1ec403d 8fcc61ea9e724fc dfa1f20dce.
My bet are these two 9df9f9349abf7ab
@gpiccoli though it looks like the test has both strings, one for unpriv, other for priv, so maybe the check is now also failing the same way for priv.
@gpiccoli d7a5091351756d0 ae8e63134313c45 5624e36a13, at least the bounds.c seem relevant.