This test can pass with the disco branch, so out of curiosity I ran a bisect against kvm-unit-test and this test case seem to be the cause:
8726f9771911d6749dbd36ab2fc70f0f25e2b1a9 is the first bad commit
commit 8726f9771911d6749dbd36ab2fc70f0f25e2b1a9
Author: Jacob Xu <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 21 16:12:57 2021 -0700
x86: add movups/movupd sse testcases to emulator.c
Here we add movups/movupd tests corresponding to functionality
introduced in commit 29916968c486 ("kvm: Add emulation for movups/movupd").
Signed-off-by: Jacob Xu <email address hidden>
Message-Id: <email address hidden>
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <email address hidden>
$ git bisect log
git bisect start
# bad: [d4123fddf8a39b504fecd89ccb3dde61e338b4ee] Merge branch 's390x-pull-2021-22-06' into 'master'
git bisect bad d4123fddf8a39b504fecd89ccb3dde61e338b4ee
# good: [764aa0b88d9556520457f13b38d5cea21600545b] arm: powerpc: comment halt(code)
git bisect good 764aa0b88d9556520457f13b38d5cea21600545b
# good: [f3154609b29ad92746c77d46bca03e3b79431437] x86: use a non-negative number in shift
git bisect good f3154609b29ad92746c77d46bca03e3b79431437
# good: [a7eb7780d525b69a8fcfc8a3cfba85570a321c33] lib/list.h: add list_add_tail
git bisect good a7eb7780d525b69a8fcfc8a3cfba85570a321c33
# good: [956e3107eb042b3b9f9806c4850eebe04da0bc43] update git tree location in MAINTAINERS to point at gitlab
git bisect good 956e3107eb042b3b9f9806c4850eebe04da0bc43
# bad: [83d815a2bf92890d6fddcb5b9503006550285d2b] s390x: Add more Ultravisor command structure definitions
git bisect bad 83d815a2bf92890d6fddcb5b9503006550285d2b
# bad: [7fbcef02aaef9797724b818898bca662293cfff8] s390x: css: Store CSS Characteristics
git bisect bad 7fbcef02aaef9797724b818898bca662293cfff8
# good: [142ff6358dacd32a170602de608f2d920cc924d2] x86: msr: Verify 64-bit only MSRs fault on 32-bit hosts
git bisect good 142ff6358dacd32a170602de608f2d920cc924d2
# bad: [0b6f6cedcd6ef4a881fb8806cefde35b88a0363a] nSVM: Test VMLOAD/VMSAVE intercepts
git bisect bad 0b6f6cedcd6ef4a881fb8806cefde35b88a0363a
# bad: [88f0bb17adea42f5d86e00c243c70104c3598620] x86: msr: Test that always-canonical MSRs #GP on non-canonical value
git bisect bad 88f0bb17adea42f5d86e00c243c70104c3598620
# bad: [e5e76263b544c4f1032d0201611ffb7b9b7f408c] x86: add additional test cases for sse exceptions to emulator.c
git bisect bad e5e76263b544c4f1032d0201611ffb7b9b7f408c
# bad: [8726f9771911d6749dbd36ab2fc70f0f25e2b1a9] x86: add movups/movupd sse testcases to emulator.c
git bisect bad 8726f9771911d6749dbd36ab2fc70f0f25e2b1a9
# first bad commit: [8726f9771911d6749dbd36ab2fc70f0f25e2b1a9] x86: add movups/movupd sse testcases to emulator.c
This test can pass with the disco branch, so out of curiosity I ran a bisect against kvm-unit-test and this test case seem to be the cause:
8726f9771911d67 49dbd36ab2fc70f 0f25e2b1a9 is the first bad commit 49dbd36ab2fc70f 0f25e2b1a9
commit 8726f9771911d67
Author: Jacob Xu <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 21 16:12:57 2021 -0700
x86: add movups/movupd sse testcases to emulator.c
Here we add movups/movupd tests corresponding to functionality
introduced in commit 29916968c486 ("kvm: Add emulation for movups/movupd").
Signed-off-by: Jacob Xu <email address hidden>
Message-Id: <email address hidden>
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <email address hidden>
$ git bisect log 504fecd89ccb3dd e61e338b4ee] Merge branch 's390x- pull-2021- 22-06' into 'master' 04fecd89ccb3dde 61e338b4ee 520457f13b38d5c ea21600545b] arm: powerpc: comment halt(code) 20457f13b38d5ce a21600545b 2746c77d46bca03 e3b79431437] x86: use a non-negative number in shift 746c77d46bca03e 3b79431437 9a8fcfc8a3cfba8 5570a321c33] lib/list.h: add list_add_tail a8fcfc8a3cfba85 570a321c33 3b9f9806c4850ee be04da0bc43] update git tree location in MAINTAINERS to point at gitlab b9f9806c4850eeb e04da0bc43 0d6fddcb5b95030 06550285d2b] s390x: Add more Ultravisor command structure definitions d6fddcb5b950300 6550285d2b 97724b818898bca 662293cfff8] s390x: css: Store CSS Characteristics 7724b818898bca6 62293cfff8 2a170602de608f2 d920cc924d2] x86: msr: Verify 64-bit only MSRs fault on 32-bit hosts a170602de608f2d 920cc924d2 a881fb8806cefde 35b88a0363a] nSVM: Test VMLOAD/VMSAVE intercepts 881fb8806cefde3 5b88a0363a f5d86e00c243c70 104c3598620] x86: msr: Test that always-canonical MSRs #GP on non-canonical value 5d86e00c243c701 04c3598620 f1032d0201611ff b7b9b7f408c] x86: add additional test cases for sse exceptions to emulator.c 1032d0201611ffb 7b9b7f408c 749dbd36ab2fc70 f0f25e2b1a9] x86: add movups/movupd sse testcases to emulator.c 49dbd36ab2fc70f 0f25e2b1a9 749dbd36ab2fc70 f0f25e2b1a9] x86: add movups/movupd sse testcases to emulator.c
git bisect start
# bad: [d4123fddf8a39b
git bisect bad d4123fddf8a39b5
# good: [764aa0b88d9556
git bisect good 764aa0b88d95565
# good: [f3154609b29ad9
git bisect good f3154609b29ad92
# good: [a7eb7780d525b6
git bisect good a7eb7780d525b69
# good: [956e3107eb042b
git bisect good 956e3107eb042b3
# bad: [83d815a2bf9289
git bisect bad 83d815a2bf92890
# bad: [7fbcef02aaef97
git bisect bad 7fbcef02aaef979
# good: [142ff6358dacd3
git bisect good 142ff6358dacd32
# bad: [0b6f6cedcd6ef4
git bisect bad 0b6f6cedcd6ef4a
# bad: [88f0bb17adea42
git bisect bad 88f0bb17adea42f
# bad: [e5e76263b544c4
git bisect bad e5e76263b544c4f
# bad: [8726f9771911d6
git bisect bad 8726f9771911d67
# first bad commit: [8726f9771911d6
Which leads to this commit, I think it's the fix: /github. com/torvalds/ linux/commit/ 29916968c48691c 94be466a0b47cc9 adcea9cb8d