I think I've been seeing this bug too, but haven't looked into it in detail. Basically, if I leave the phone idle overnight, it's extremely slow when I try to use it in the morning... and dbus-daemon is constantly pegging the CPU. 'top' generally shows that dbus-daemon has a few hours worth of CPU cycles accumulated; this morning it listed 181 minutes of active time even though it had only been booted for ~10 hours.
I think I've been seeing this bug too, but haven't looked into it in detail. Basically, if I leave the phone idle overnight, it's extremely slow when I try to use it in the morning... and dbus-daemon is constantly pegging the CPU. 'top' generally shows that dbus-daemon has a few hours worth of CPU cycles accumulated; this morning it listed 181 minutes of active time even though it had only been booted for ~10 hours.