Activity log for bug #1447633

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-04-23 14:15:02 Daniel Manrique bug added bug
2015-04-23 14:53:56 Caio Begotti bug added subscriber Caio Begotti
2015-04-24 18:17:37 Steve Langasek ubuntu-system-image: importance Undecided High
2015-04-24 18:17:44 Steve Langasek ubuntu-system-image: assignee Barry Warsaw (barry)
2015-04-24 18:17:48 Steve Langasek ubuntu-system-image: status New Triaged
2015-04-24 18:18:10 Steve Langasek summary Add a consistent link or way to download the "latest" of a given tarball for a channel/device Add support in system-image server for importing files from a remote system-image instance