Does this help?? VitualBox - Information The virtual machine window is optimized to work in *32 bit color* Mode but the virtual display is currently set to *16 bit.* * * Please open the display properties dialog of the gust os and select a *32 bit *color mode, if it is available, for best possible performance of the virtual video subsystem. Note. Some operating systems, like os/2, may actually work in 32 bit mode but report it as 24 bit (16 million colors). You may try select a different color mode to see it this message disappears or you can simply disable the message not if you are sure the required color mode (32 bit) is not available in the guest os. *This is the message I got – It is set at Highest (32 bit) --- * *Screen resolution 1680 by 1050 pixels* * * *The Resolution is set at 800X600 (4:3) on UBU* * * *I can’t make it any bigger --* * * * * On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 4:40 AM, eremit7