[ Tyler Hicks ]
* Merge from Debian to get gbp-pq related packaging improvements. Thanks to
intrigeri for making those improvements! Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/gbp.conf: Use ubuntu/master as the debian-branch
- Update package maintainer to be Ubuntu Developers in the control file
- Call handle_system_policy_package_updates in apparmor.init.
This is needed for snappy and system-images. Note that this prevents
using a remove /var.
- Apply Ubuntu-specific patches
+ parser-include-usr-share-apparmor.patch
+ profiles-grant-access-to-systemd-resolved.patch
+ add-chromium-browser.patch
- Install Ubuntu chromium-browser profile and abstraction
- Feature pinning is not used in Ubuntu
[ intrigeri ]
* Adjust the Vcs-{Browser,Git} control fields to reflect the branch where
the Ubuntu packaging is maintained.
apparmor (2.12-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Migrate patch handling to gbp-pq (Closes: #888244).
* Merge 2.12-3ubuntu1 (dropping the Ubuntu delta):
- upstream-commit-46f88f5-properly-identify-empty-ouid-fsuid-fields.patch:
new patch, properly identify empty ouid/fsuid fields in logs.
- upstream-commit-130958a-allow-shell-helper-read-locale.patch:
new patch, allow the shell helper regression test program read
the locale.
This bug was fixed in the package apparmor - 2.12-4ubuntu1
apparmor (2.12-4ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium
[ Tyler Hicks ] system_ policy_ package_ updates in apparmor.init. include- usr-share- apparmor. patch grant-access- to-systemd- resolved. patch browser. patch
* Merge from Debian to get gbp-pq related packaging improvements. Thanks to
intrigeri for making those improvements! Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/gbp.conf: Use ubuntu/master as the debian-branch
- Update package maintainer to be Ubuntu Developers in the control file
- Call handle_
This is needed for snappy and system-images. Note that this prevents
using a remove /var.
- Apply Ubuntu-specific patches
+ parser-
+ profiles-
+ add-chromium-
- Install Ubuntu chromium-browser profile and abstraction
- Feature pinning is not used in Ubuntu
[ intrigeri ]
* Adjust the Vcs-{Browser,Git} control fields to reflect the branch where
the Ubuntu packaging is maintained.
apparmor (2.12-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Migrate patch handling to gbp-pq (Closes: #888244). commit- 46f88f5- properly- identify- empty-ouid- fsuid-fields. patch: commit- 130958a- allow-shell- helper- read-locale. patch:
* Merge 2.12-3ubuntu1 (dropping the Ubuntu delta):
- upstream-
new patch, properly identify empty ouid/fsuid fields in logs.
- upstream-
new patch, allow the shell helper regression test program read
the locale.
-- Tyler Hicks <email address hidden> Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:24:57 +0000