I haven’t tried the new resolver yet, but the display of :arch qualifiers on foreign packages is a massive improvement.
It’s still missing in a few places though, like the “Provided by” line for virtual packages:
$ aptitude show ia32-libs-multiarch
No current or candidate version found for ia32-libs-multiarch
Package: ia32-libs-multiarch
State: not a real package
Provided by: ia32-libs-multiarch
And packages are listed twice in Conflicts/Breaks/Replaces without :arch qualifiers:
I haven’t tried the new resolver yet, but the display of :arch qualifiers on foreign packages is a massive improvement.
It’s still missing in a few places though, like the “Provided by” line for virtual packages:
$ aptitude show ia32-libs-multiarch
No current or candidate version found for ia32-libs-multiarch
Package: ia32-libs-multiarch
State: not a real package
Provided by: ia32-libs-multiarch
And packages are listed twice in Conflicts/ Breaks/ Replaces without :arch qualifiers:
$ aptitude show wine1.4 replacement, ttf-symbol- replacement,
ttf-symbol- replacement- wine1.3, ttf-symbol- replacement- wine1.3,
ttf-tahoma- replacement (< 1.3), ttf-tahoma- replacement (< 1.3), wine (<
1.4-0ubuntu1) , wine1.3 (< 1.4-0ubuntu1), wine1.3 (< 1.4-0ubuntu1) replacement, ttf-symbol- replacement,
ttf- symbol- replacement- wine1.3, ttf-symbol- replacement- wine1.3,
ttf- tahoma- replacement, ttf-tahoma- replacement, wine, wine, wine1.0,
Conflicts: wine1.0, wine1.0, wine1.4
Breaks: ttf-symbol-
1.2.1), wine (< 1.2.1), wine1.2 (< 1.4-0ubuntu1), wine1.2 (<
Replaces: ttf-symbol-
wine1.0, wine1.2, wine1.2, wine1.3, wine1.3
Same thing in the GUI:
i A --\ wine1.4 1.4-0ubuntu1 1.4-0ubuntu4 replacement replacement replacement- wine1.3 replacement- wine1.3 replacement replacement
--\ Replaces (14)
--- ttf-symbol-
--- ttf-symbol-
--- ttf-symbol-
--- ttf-symbol-
--- ttf-tahoma-
--- ttf-tahoma-
--\ wine
i 1.4-0ubuntu4
p wine:i386 1.4-0ubuntu3
i A wine1.4 1.4-0ubuntu1
p A wine1.4 1.4-0ubuntu4
--\ wine
i wine 1.4-0ubuntu4
p wine:i386 1.4-0ubuntu3
p wine1.4:i386 1.4-0ubuntu3
--- wine1.0
--- wine1.0
--- wine1.2
--- wine1.2
--- wine1.3
--- wine1.3