installed calligra 3.0.1 but cannot find calligra stage

Bug #1814144 reported by John Doe
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
calligra (Ubuntu)
Won't Fix

Bug Description


I am trying to install Calligra Stage 3.0.1 in Kubuntu 18.04 LTS.

I installed Calligra 3.0.1 using KDE's Discover.
Calliga Words and Sheets appear in the application launcher, but Stage does not.

I also tried sudo apt install calligrastage, but it made no difference.
In addition, I tried running calligrastage from Konsole, but the terminal states: "calligrastage: command not found."

I imagine that if I install Calligra or Calligra Stage directly, then Stage should appear in the application launcher and be executable from the command line.

Did I do anything wrong?
Or, is the calligrastage package incomplete?

I would like to stick with the LTS release and am hoping to use Calligra Stage 3.0.1, unless perhaps the package can be completed or Calligra Stage 3.1.0 can be backported (if that's the correct term).

Thank you.

Revision history for this message
John Doe (asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfadfasdfasdf) wrote :

You can close this bug.

I compiled Calligra 3.0.1 from source, and CMAKE output:
"The following required product(set)s/features can NOT be built
APP_STAGE: Stage app (for Desktop) [[needed by: STAGE]] | No maintainer currently"

So, I guess that is that.

Rik Mills (rikmills)
Changed in calligra (Ubuntu):
status: New → Won't Fix
Revision history for this message
Mélodie (meets) wrote :

Hi, same here:
"Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
  calligra-libs calligrasheets calligrastage calligrawords"

however in Ubuntu Xenial which I have in another machine, at home, I have Calligra Stage previous version. So what? I install the calligrastage package and I get the word and calc modules? What kind of a job is that?

"no maintainer" does not mean the packages names should fool the users, or do they? Please, someone rebuild the packages and name them accordingly.


Revision history for this message
John Doe (asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfadfasdfasdf) wrote :

agreed. i would think to exclude the package, instead of include it and having it not install stage.
anyways, in case this is helpful to anyone...

how I compiled Calligra Stage 3.0.1 in Kubuntu 18.04 LTS from source:

$ sudo apt install cmake extra-cmake-modules liblcms2-dev libeigen3-dev libphonon4qt5-dev libphonon4qt5experimental-dev
$ sudo apt build-dep calligra
$ mkdir -p $HOME/kde/build/calligra
$ mkdir -p $HOME/kde/inst5
$ mkdir -p $HOME/kde/src
$ wget
$ tar xJf calligra-3.0.1.tar.xz -C $HOME/kde/src
$ cd $HOME/kde/build/calligra
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/kde/inst5 $HOME/kde/src/calligra-3.0.1 \
$ make -j6
$ make install -j6

$ nano ~/.profile
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$HOME/kde/inst5/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS
export PATH=$HOME/kde/inst5/bin:$PATH

log out and in
$ ln -s ~/kde/inst5/share/applications/org.kde.calligrastage.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/

you should see Calligra Stage in the main menu

easier: use KDE Neon and install Stage from Discover
even easier: just use LibreOffice

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