calligra 1:3.2.1+dfsg-8build4 source package in Ubuntu


calligra (1:3.2.1+dfsg-8build4) noble; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild for CVE-2024-3094

 -- William Grant <email address hidden>  Mon, 01 Apr 2024 16:37:48 +1100

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Uploaded by:
William Grant
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Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
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Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Noble release universe kde


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
calligra_3.2.1+dfsg.orig.tar.xz 58.8 MiB 5f270e2264f0eb682c1fee28298c6986d7d402acc47ff4689d7f026e48e3822c
calligra_3.2.1+dfsg-8build4.debian.tar.xz 45.4 KiB 58e5f63822aab77bc553f4a9a9064e7d2c9e1bfa4c2f864f94bda252e68ce33a
calligra_3.2.1+dfsg-8build4.dsc 4.6 KiB e029b291f789722beab254662648b7e5c5eaf3e48bf9bf3ebe3b7a6c8d540759

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Binary packages built by this source

calligra: extensive productivity and creative suite

 Calligra Suite is a set of applications written to help you to accomplish
 your work. It includes office applications such as a word processor,
 a spreadsheet, a presentation program, a database application, etc., and
 raster and vector graphics tools.
 This metapackage provides all the components of the Calligra Suite.

calligra-data: common shared data for the Calligra Suite

 This package provides the architecture-independent data that is shared
 amongst the various components of Calligra.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligra-gemini: unified interface for stage and words

 Calligra Gemini provide a unified applications which combines
 traditional desktop application and touch friendly interface for
 the Words and Stage components.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligra-gemini-data: Calligra Gemini - data files

 Calligra Gemini provide a unified applications which combines
 traditional desktop application and touch friendly interface for
 the Words and Stage components.
 This package provides data files for Calligra Gemini.

calligra-gemini-dbgsym: debug symbols for calligra-gemini
calligra-libs: common libraries and binaries for the Calligra Suite

 This package provides the libraries and binaries that are shared amongst
 the various components of Calligra.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligra-libs-dbgsym: debug symbols for calligra-libs
calligrasheets: spreadsheet for the Calligra Suite

 Tables is a powerful spreadsheet application. It is scriptable and
 provides both table-oriented sheets and support for complex mathematical
 formulae and statistics. It is the successor of KSpread.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligrasheets-data: data files for Sheets spreadsheet

 This package contains architecture-independent data files for Sheets,
 the spreadsheet shipped with the Calligra Suite.
 See the calligrasheets package for further information.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligrasheets-dbgsym: debug symbols for calligrasheets
calligrastage: presentation program for the Calligra Suite

 Stage is an easy to use yet still flexible presentation application. You can
 easily create presentations containing a rich variety of elements, from
 graphics to text, from charts to images. Stage is extensible through a
 plugin system, so it is easy to add new effects, new content elements or even
 new ways of managing your presentation.
 Stage natively uses the OpenDocument file format standard, for easy
 interchange with all ODF supporting applications, which includes Microsoft
 Office. Examples of its easy-to-use features are support for layouts, a
 special slide overview view during presentations for the presenter, support
 for many different master sliders in one presentation, cool transitions and
 a useful notes feature.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligrastage-data: data files for Calligra Stage

 This package contains architecture-independent data files for Stage,
 the presentation program shipped with the Calligra Suite.
 See the calligrastage package for further information.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligrastage-dbgsym: debug symbols for calligrastage
calligrawords: word processor for the Calligra Suite

 Words is a FrameMaker-like word processing and desktop publishing
 application. It is capable of creating polished and professional
 looking documents. It can be used for desktop publishing, but also for
 "normal" word processing, like writing letters, reports and so on.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligrawords-data: data files for Words word processor

 This package contains architecture-independent data files for Words,
 the word processor shipped with the Calligra Suite.
 See the calligrawords package for further information.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

calligrawords-dbgsym: debug symbols for calligrawords
karbon: vector graphics application for the Calligra Suite

 Karbon is a vector drawing application with an user interface that is easy to
 use, highly customizable and extensible. That makes Karbon a great application
 for users starting to explore the world of vector graphics as well as for
 artists wanting to create breathtaking vector art. Features include:
  * Loading support for ODG, SVG, WMF, WPG, EPS/PS
  * Writing support for ODG, SVG, WMF, PNG, PDF
  * Customizable user interface with freely placeable toolbars and dockers
  * Layer docker for easy handling of complex documents including preview
    thumbnails, support for grouping shapes via drag and drop,
    controlling visibility of shapes or locking
  * Advanced path editing tool with great on-canvas editing capabilities
  * Various drawing tools for creating path shapes including a draw path
    tool and a pencil tool, as well as a calligraphy drawing tool
  * Gradient and pattern tools for easy on-canvas editing of gradient and
    pattern styles
  * Top notch snapping facilities for guided drawing and editing (e.g.
    snapping to grid, guide lines, path nodes, bounding boxes, orthogonal
    positions, intersections of path shapes or extensions of lines and
  * Many predefined basic shapes included, such as circle/ellipse, star or
  * Artistic text shape with support for following path outlines
    (i.e. text on path)
  * Complex path operations and effects like Boolean set operations,
    path flattening, rounding and refining as well as whirl/pinch effects
  * Extensible by writing plugins for new tools, shapes and dockers
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

karbon-dbgsym: debug symbols for karbon
okular-backend-odp: Okular backend for ODP documents

 This package provides a backend for Okular to view OpenDocument Presentation
 (ODP) documents, but also PowerPoint and PPTX documents.
 This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

okular-backend-odp-dbgsym: No summary available for okular-backend-odp-dbgsym in ubuntu oracular.

No description available for okular-backend-odp-dbgsym in ubuntu oracular.

okular-backend-odt: No summary available for okular-backend-odt in ubuntu oracular.

No description available for okular-backend-odt in ubuntu oracular.

okular-backend-odt-dbgsym: No summary available for okular-backend-odt-dbgsym in ubuntu oracular.

No description available for okular-backend-odt-dbgsym in ubuntu oracular.