I am not sure exactly which commit fixed the problem, but I suspect it's an update in Yaru itself. Possibly one of those:
https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/commit/4a6484deaa19c284344923efb1ccdc1998325aef https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/commit/a0ff34f379d2b2d4673f4910970fdb02756b03b3
I am not sure exactly which commit fixed the problem, but I suspect it's an update in Yaru itself.
Possibly one of those:
https:/ /github. com/ubuntu/ yaru/commit/ 4a6484deaa19c28 4344923efb1ccdc 1998325aef /github. com/ubuntu/ yaru/commit/ a0ff34f379d2b2d 4673f4910970fdb 02756b03b3