Activity log for bug #659816

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2010-10-13 10:21:06 Matthew Paul Thomas bug added bug
2010-10-13 10:21:46 Matthew Paul Thomas attachment added annotated screenshot
2010-10-13 14:48:28 fosk bug added subscriber fosk
2010-10-13 22:12:33 Jason Smith bug added subscriber Jason Smith
2010-10-13 22:15:14 Jason Smith affects light-themes (Ubuntu) compiz (Ubuntu)
2010-10-13 22:15:14 Jason Smith compiz (Ubuntu): status New Incomplete
2010-10-13 22:15:14 Jason Smith compiz (Ubuntu): assignee Jason Smith (jassmith)
2011-01-10 17:31:57 Jason Smith compiz (Ubuntu): status Incomplete In Progress
2011-01-17 08:38:00 David Barth bug added subscriber David Barth
2011-01-17 08:38:08 David Barth bug added subscriber Andrea Cimitan
2011-01-17 08:39:04 David Barth compiz (Ubuntu): milestone natty-alpha-2
2011-01-17 08:39:07 David Barth compiz (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Low
2011-01-18 17:51:26 Brian Murray nominated for series Ubuntu Natty
2011-01-18 17:51:26 Brian Murray bug task added compiz (Ubuntu Natty)
2011-02-04 11:14:59 Martin Pitt compiz (Ubuntu Natty): milestone natty-alpha-2 natty-alpha-3
2011-03-02 07:18:54 Martin Pitt compiz (Ubuntu Natty): milestone natty-alpha-3 ubuntu-11.04-beta-1
2011-04-04 16:25:51 Kate Stewart compiz (Ubuntu Natty): milestone ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 ubuntu-11.04-beta-2
2011-04-04 17:02:00 Sam Spilsbury compiz (Ubuntu Natty): status In Progress Fix Released
2011-04-26 12:06:53 Matthew Paul Thomas compiz (Ubuntu Natty): status Fix Released New
2011-04-26 12:06:53 Matthew Paul Thomas compiz (Ubuntu Natty): milestone ubuntu-11.04-beta-2
2011-04-26 12:07:17 Matthew Paul Thomas attachment added screenshot
2011-05-03 20:17:50 Yann Dìnendal bug added subscriber Yann Dìnendal
2011-06-27 02:47:27 Chris S compiz (Ubuntu Natty): status New Confirmed
2011-06-27 02:48:18 Chris S bug added subscriber Chris S
2012-01-11 15:07:58 Andrea Cimitan branch linked lp:~compiz-team/compiz-core/compiz-core.notify_occlusion_detection
2012-01-11 15:08:19 Andrea Cimitan bug task added compiz-core
2012-01-11 15:08:38 Andrea Cimitan compiz-core: assignee Sam Spilsbury (smspillaz)
2012-02-15 20:50:24 Andrea Cimitan compiz-core: milestone
2012-02-15 20:50:32 Andrea Cimitan compiz-core: importance Undecided High
2012-03-19 11:46:52 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: milestone
2012-03-30 07:28:30 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: milestone
2012-03-30 07:51:27 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: milestone
2012-04-06 06:37:22 Sam Spilsbury compiz-core: status New Fix Committed
2012-04-06 07:36:28 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2012-04-06 17:44:23 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:compiz
2012-04-10 02:59:16 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: status Fix Released Triaged
2012-04-10 02:59:22 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: milestone
2012-04-11 08:55:00 Andrea Cimitan attachment added Video of the clipping
2012-04-12 09:14:04 Launchpad Janitor compiz (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2012-04-12 11:01:42 Daniel van Vugt compiz (Ubuntu): status Fix Released Triaged
2012-04-12 11:01:56 Daniel van Vugt compiz (Ubuntu): assignee Jason Smith (jassmith) Sam Spilsbury (smspillaz)
2012-04-13 01:15:24 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: milestone
2012-04-13 01:15:27 Daniel van Vugt compiz-core: status Triaged Fix Released
2012-04-13 01:15:33 Daniel van Vugt compiz (Ubuntu): status Triaged Fix Released
2012-04-16 23:18:20 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/compiz
2013-12-10 03:39:56 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos compiz (Ubuntu Natty): status Confirmed Won't Fix