FYI, the root cause of this bug appears to be because compiz uses XkbStateNotify, which is part of the X Keyboard Extension. Using this extension has the unfortunate side-effect (by design) of ignoring grabs held by other clients and still giving you key events even when you shouldn't be receiving them. This is documented is the spec:
FYI, the root cause of this bug appears to be because compiz uses XkbStateNotify, which is part of the X Keyboard Extension. Using this extension has the unfortunate side-effect (by design) of ignoring grabs held by other clients and still giving you key events even when you shouldn't be receiving them. This is documented is the spec:
"As with all Xkb events, XkbStateNotify events are reported to all interested clients without regard to the current keyboard input focus or grab state." releases/ X11R7.6/ doc/libX11/ specs/XKB/ xkblib. html]