I guess I'm missing something here & as I don't use 12.04 should likely shut up
Anyway what's the downside to applying the 0.9.7 commit in precise & also adjusting scale.xml.in to get desired results.
Did so here on a 12.04 install still hanging around & when creating a new user the bindings & actions seemed fine
Super+w picks on current ws
Shift+Alt+up picks on all ws's
As in -
--- compiz-
+++ compiz-
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<option name="initiate_key" type="key">
<_short>Initiate Window Picker</_short>
<_long>Layout and start transforming windows</_long>
- <default><Shift><Alt>Up</default>
+ <default><Super>w</default>
<option name="initiate_button" type="button">
<_short>Initiate Window Picker</_short>
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<option name="initiate_all_key" type="key">
<_short>Initiate Window Picker For All Windows</_short>
<_long>Layout and start transforming all windows</_long>
- <default><Super>w</default>
+ <default><Shift><Alt>Up</default>
<option name="initiate_group_edge" type="edge">
<_short>Initiate Window Picker For Window Group</_short>
I guess I'm missing something here & as I don't use 12.04 should likely shut up
Anyway what's the downside to applying the 0.9.7 commit in precise & also adjusting scale.xml.in to get desired results.
Did so here on a 12.04 install still hanging around & when creating a new user the bindings & actions seemed fine
Super+w picks on current ws
Shift+Alt+up picks on all ws's
As in - bzr3121. orig/plugins/ scale/scale. xml.in bzr3121/ plugins/ scale/scale. xml.in short>Initiate Window Picker</_short> <Shift& gt;< Alt> Up</default> <Super& gt;w</default> button" type="button"> short>Initiate Window Picker</_short> all_key" type="key"> short>Initiate Window Picker For All Windows</_short> <Super& gt;w</default> <Shift& gt;< Alt> Up</default> group_edge" type="edge"> short>Initiate Window Picker For Window Group</_short>
--- compiz-
+++ compiz-
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<option name="initiate_key" type="key">
<_long>Layout and start transforming windows</_long>
- <default>
+ <default>
<option name="initiate_
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<option name="initiate_
<_long>Layout and start transforming all windows</_long>
- <default>
+ <default>
<option name="initiate_