Apart from "Initiate Window Picker For All Windows" being still broken to date,I would also point out that,once the plugin action (for a single window,obviously...) is initiated,the right-click (or button 3 ) click to exit the plugin doesn't work as it used to in previous compiz versions,which is kinda annoying and also IMHO inconsistent with the usual behavior,still found for instance in the Expo plugin.
Apart from "Initiate Window Picker For All Windows" being still broken to date,I would also point out that,once the plugin action (for a single window, obviously. ..) is initiated,the right-click (or button 3 ) click to exit the plugin doesn't work as it used to in previous compiz versions,which is kinda annoying and also IMHO inconsistent with the usual behavior,still found for instance in the Expo plugin.