Hey Colin, is this still relevant? Cause my house mate reported this bug, and he is now complaining to be about it.... Do you want me to look into that? Although he says it was only relevant back in the day when he was working at cmed, now he is at credativ and priorities are slightly different. Although, you probably do not care about his life story. Anyway he is stan on irc you can ping him, like infinity did by mistake the other day.
Hey Colin, is this still relevant? Cause my house mate reported this bug, and he is now complaining to be about it.... Do you want me to look into that? Although he says it was only relevant back in the day when he was working at cmed, now he is at credativ and priorities are slightly different. Although, you probably do not care about his life story. Anyway he is stan on irc you can ping him, like infinity did by mistake the other day.