thank you for reporting this bug. I am triaging this as "Medium" for Ubuntu because it has "a moderate impact on a core application" but "Low" for Déjà Dup (upstream) as it does not affect any interaction in the application itself.
Some comments on the proposed solutions:
Déjà Dup is unlikely to implement a new "Share root" because that goes against the policy of providing a tool for (new) standard users and keeping the interface as simple as possible.
The second solution is much better in this regard as it hides the workaround from the user.
Leaving Déjà Dup as "New" for now as I will have to check who does the mount in the end.
Hello Dan,
thank you for reporting this bug. I am triaging this as "Medium" for Ubuntu because it has "a moderate impact on a core application" but "Low" for Déjà Dup (upstream) as it does not affect any interaction in the application itself.
Some comments on the proposed solutions:
Déjà Dup is unlikely to implement a new "Share root" because that goes against the policy of providing a tool for (new) standard users and keeping the interface as simple as possible.
The second solution is much better in this regard as it hides the workaround from the user.
Leaving Déjà Dup as "New" for now as I will have to check who does the mount in the end.