While ChatZilla should be able to handle most irc urls designed for mIRC (with
the exception of keyed channels), the converse is probably not true.
ChatZilla's additional modifiers (described in the draft rfc
<http://www.w3.org/Addressing/draft-mirashi-url-irc-01.txt>) will probably
confuse mIRC.
Anyway, this isn't a ChatZilla bug, per se. I don't think you want to have to
install ChatZilla to be able to point irc:// urls to mIRC, that seems a bit
silly. This may or may not be something we want as a helper application type
pref. We can't key helper apps off a protocol scheme at the moment, and I
suspect that's a pretty tall order. Your best bet is probably protozilla, which
allows you to associate arbitrary applications with schemes (see url in my
previous comment.)
Moving to browser general in the hope that someone will adopt this bug.
Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. (For the record, the url www.mirc. com/mirclink. html> would have been *much* more helpful, I am www.mozilla. org/projects/ rt-messaging/ chatzilla/ irc-urls. html> for how
quite aware of mIRC's homepage.) mIRC's handling of irc:// urls is a bit
simplified compared to ChatZilla. See
ChatZilla does irc://.
While ChatZilla should be able to handle most irc urls designed for mIRC (with www.w3. org/Addressing/ draft-mirashi- url-irc- 01.txt>) will probably
the exception of keyed channels), the converse is probably not true.
ChatZilla's additional modifiers (described in the draft rfc
confuse mIRC.
Anyway, this isn't a ChatZilla bug, per se. I don't think you want to have to
install ChatZilla to be able to point irc:// urls to mIRC, that seems a bit
silly. This may or may not be something we want as a helper application type
pref. We can't key helper apps off a protocol scheme at the moment, and I
suspect that's a pretty tall order. Your best bet is probably protozilla, which
allows you to associate arbitrary applications with schemes (see url in my
previous comment.)
Moving to browser general in the hope that someone will adopt this bug.