rginda: No, mIRC is registering the irc: protocol with Windows. Mozilla is
blatantly ignoring this registration and sending the IRC links to its own chat
program instead. It isn't important how mIRC handles the IRC links, if the user
has chosen to register the irc: protocol to it, Mozilla should obey that.
Mozilla handles AIM's aim: registered protocol properly, and when one exists,
it should give the same control over the irc: protocol registration. Ideally,
Mozilla should check to see if irc: is a registered protocol first, and if it
comes back as an unregistered protocol (or it is registered to Chatzilla, if
that ever becomes an option), THEN it should open Chatzilla. In its current
state I don't think many users would choose Chatzilla over mIRC, unless they
were interested in testing or developing it.
rginda: No, mIRC is registering the irc: protocol with Windows. Mozilla is
blatantly ignoring this registration and sending the IRC links to its own chat
program instead. It isn't important how mIRC handles the IRC links, if the user
has chosen to register the irc: protocol to it, Mozilla should obey that.
Mozilla handles AIM's aim: registered protocol properly, and when one exists,
it should give the same control over the irc: protocol registration. Ideally,
Mozilla should check to see if irc: is a registered protocol first, and if it
comes back as an unregistered protocol (or it is registered to Chatzilla, if
that ever becomes an option), THEN it should open Chatzilla. In its current
state I don't think many users would choose Chatzilla over mIRC, unless they
were interested in testing or developing it.