yuck. so let's just dupe this against the same bug for mail urls? for now, just
don't install chatzilla. or uninstall the chatzilla protocol handler. or write
a protocol handler that just dispatches to the os.
Rginda: does chatzilla currently offer/ask mozilla to register irc: for itself?
skewer: filing 2 contradictory bugs in one package is a real nightmare, please
pick one to split off and then shorten this bug's summary. -- I'd suggest
splitting out the chatzilla rfe if it's not already implemented, since the rest
of this is mostly sparing about something which is already being [non]addressed
for mailnews
yuck. so let's just dupe this against the same bug for mail urls? for now, just
don't install chatzilla. or uninstall the chatzilla protocol handler. or write
a protocol handler that just dispatches to the os.
Rginda: does chatzilla currently offer/ask mozilla to register irc: for itself?
skewer: filing 2 contradictory bugs in one package is a real nightmare, please
pick one to split off and then shorten this bug's summary. -- I'd suggest
splitting out the chatzilla rfe if it's not already implemented, since the rest
of this is mostly sparing about something which is already being [non]addressed
for mailnews