First I removed all synaptics installed Flash packages (flashplugin-nonfree, flash installer, flash sound extras) and the ubuntu restricted extras.
Second, downloaded a fresh copy of Flash from adobe (.deb package)
Third, followed the instructions here to install the Firefox 3.1 beta 3. I did have to manually install it using sudo nautilus (sorry I am not terminal savy) and then running the commands listed
The only difference I am noticing from a user endpoint is that Flash 10.0 r12 is no longer listed as a plugin after doing all this. Hopefully someone can streamline this process and make it easier to remove Flash 10.0 r12 because I think that is the source of the problem. (Flash won't play if 10.0 r12 is disabled when both are installed implying it is the version being used).
This is everything I did this morning.
First I removed all synaptics installed Flash packages (flashplugin- nonfree, flash installer, flash sound extras) and the ubuntu restricted extras.
Second, downloaded a fresh copy of Flash from adobe (.deb package)
Third, followed the instructions here http:// www.psychocats. net/ubuntu/ firefox to install the Firefox 3.1 beta 3. I did have to manually install it using sudo nautilus (sorry I am not terminal savy) and then running the commands listed
sudo mv /opt/firefox/ plugins /opt/firefox/ plugins. backup xulrunner- addons/ plugins /opt/firefox/ plugins firefox. ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/firefox firefox /usr/bin/firefox
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/
sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/
sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/
Last, removed firefox 3.1 and directed links back to Ubuntu version:
sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox
sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/bin/firefox
sudo rm -r /opt/firefox
The only difference I am noticing from a user endpoint is that Flash 10.0 r12 is no longer listed as a plugin after doing all this. Hopefully someone can streamline this process and make it easier to remove Flash 10.0 r12 because I think that is the source of the problem. (Flash won't play if 10.0 r12 is disabled when both are installed implying it is the version being used).