Hi, sorry, for whatever reason I missed notifications about this thread in my inbox.
I'm on BIOS 1.1.3; I believe you can update using fwupdmgr if you're on an older version still. I've forgotten which screen the option is under; I'll post again next time I reboot.
I may have been replying to the wrong thread, however -- there's another thread about display corruption on resuming from S3 (which has to be manually enabled), and... the reply I *thought* I put there, suspiciously, is in this thread. Doh.
Hi, sorry, for whatever reason I missed notifications about this thread in my inbox.
I'm on BIOS 1.1.3; I believe you can update using fwupdmgr if you're on an older version still. I've forgotten which screen the option is under; I'll post again next time I reboot.
I may have been replying to the wrong thread, however -- there's another thread about display corruption on resuming from S3 (which has to be manually enabled), and... the reply I *thought* I put there, suspiciously, is in this thread. Doh.