Thanks for the kind answer *Are you sure you have downloaded the right kernel from ?* Er.... What's this kernel download all about. ?.. Is my ubuntu 22.04 system *obsolete* already... Why can't a patch meant to provide access to such basic things like mouse/ touchpad rely on good old solid code fitting every system for laptop...? I hadn't bothered downloading the latest kernel, but it seems to be important so I've dowloaded linux 6.5.9, and extracted with tar *****NB: NOT simple to do... I had to look for the info then copy/paste the code in order to launch the tar program... Nothing like a right click on the file and it'd show the "extract to..." option... WHY !? I ask, because the hardest part of the job = the extracting program, was done. Programmers are obviously capable of adding a right-click option and save time for everyone. The only reason I see is, linux would be designed for those for whom the very use of a terminal is *the ultimate fun**** ... I've entered "sudo su" and have that "#" root sign. My next step is trying to figure out what "enter [the new kernel]" means. Do we enter kernels ? On Thu, 26 Oct 2023 at 09:52, Quinten Van Ginderen <