Sound control crashed after changing the Sound profile from "Analog Stereo Output" to "Digital Stereo (HDMI) output" and quickly switching back and forth between tabs such as "Input", "Output" and "Applications". I know it’s not the clearest procedure of them all but I decided to mention it. Maybe the below log may be of some help.
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:22 2022: called for pid 6059, signal 6, core limit 0, dump mode 1
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:22 2022: executable: /usr/bin/mate-volume-control (command line "mate-volume-control")
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:22 2022: debug: session gdbus call: (true,)
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:25 2022: wrote report /var/crash/_usr_bin_mate-volume-control.999.crash
I'll post a video of it happening along with my specs. Thank you.
Sound control crashed after changing the Sound profile from "Analog Stereo Output" to "Digital Stereo (HDMI) output" and quickly switching back and forth between tabs such as "Input", "Output" and "Applications". I know it’s not the clearest procedure of them all but I decided to mention it. Maybe the below log may be of some help.
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:22 2022: called for pid 6059, signal 6, core limit 0, dump mode 1 mate-volume- control (command line "mate-volume- control" ) _usr_bin_ mate-volume- control. 999.crash
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:22 2022: executable: /usr/bin/
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:22 2022: debug: session gdbus call: (true,)
ERROR: apport (pid 7433) Mon Feb 28 18:47:25 2022: wrote report /var/crash/
I'll post a video of it happening along with my specs. Thank you.