mdanalysis 2.0.0+dfsg1-4build1 source package in Ubuntu


mdanalysis (2.0.0+dfsg1-4build1) jammy; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild with Python 3.10 only

 -- Graham Inggs <email address hidden>  Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:23:34 +0000

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Graham Inggs
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Original maintainer:
Debichem Team
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Medium Urgency

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Jammy release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
mdanalysis_2.0.0+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz 42.0 MiB 8fccca1fb6bde21ad1450c3a19da4a410ffedfde4ff227d9c1a4275ad430904a
mdanalysis_2.0.0+dfsg1-4build1.debian.tar.xz 8.7 KiB e0b4337d0a19f4cc85928bf8798129139b8fa1be0afdb9b76a52002e2a70092c
mdanalysis_2.0.0+dfsg1-4build1.dsc 2.7 KiB 51ba8cab93d63066aab79fcf5a15be0ec65cffb040f47a6b4f4cc57c29776108

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Binary packages built by this source

python-mdanalysis-doc: analyse molecular dynamics files and trajectories ( documentation)

 MDAnalysis is a Python library for the analysis of computer
 simulations of many-body systems at the molecular scale, spanning use
 cases from interactions of drugs with proteins to novel materials. It
 is widely used in the scientific community and is written by
 scientists for scientists.
 MDAnalysis allows one to read particle-based trajectories (including
 individual coordinate frames such as biomolecules in the PDB format)
 and access the atomic coordinates through NumPy arrays. This provides
 a flexible and relatively fast framework for complex analysis tasks.
 In addition, powerful atom selection commands are implemented.
 Trajectories can also be manipulated (for instance, fit to a
 reference structure) and written out.
 It works with a wide range of popular simulation packages including
 Gromacs, Amber, NAMD, CHARMM, DL_Poly, HooMD, LAMMPS and many others
 — see the lists of supported trajectory formats and topology formats.
 MDAnalysis also includes widely used analysis algorithms in the
 MDAnalysis.analysis module.
 The MDAnalysis project uses an open governance model and is fiscally
 sponsored by NumFOCUS.
 This is the documentation package for MDAnalysis.

python3-mdanalysis: No summary available for python3-mdanalysis in ubuntu kinetic.

No description available for python3-mdanalysis in ubuntu kinetic.

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