I'm not complaining, BTW. Just doing my part in reporting bugs. I've been using amazing and free software from Canonical for years now and feel that reporting bugs is the least I can do. *Least*. I'm sure Ubuntu product managers have a reason for packaging NM as a default, and for me it worked for a long time out of the box. Since I'm not a firmware developer I'm not going to spend the time I need to tweak NM when wicd works well, though. I could, which is exactly WHY I use Ubuntu and Linux in general, but I also have the freedom through Ubuntu and Linux to just install wicd instead, which is what I did and most users seem to do. FWIW, I don't know that they're ignoring it. If it's actually a Network Manager issue then it's actually the NM developer's code and much easier for them to fix. When Canonical devs are getting paid either nothing or very little I understand they have to prioritize their work efficiently. With an easy fix coming by way of using wicd it just doesn't make a ton of sense for them all to spend time sussing out a weird bug in a package that isn't even theirs. I hear ya, just feel like a sleight on Canonical is misplaced. I love Ubuntu and as long as they pump out a great experience for my needs I will evangelize for them all day. It's the other least I can do. On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 11:07 AM, justin parker