appears as system icon theme

Bug #435836 reported by Martin Pitt
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
notify-osd-icons (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Martin Pitt
Fix Released
Martin Pitt

Bug Description

This should not appear as a system theme, it's an application specific icon theme for notify-osd.

Seb says we should install them into /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/gnome instead.

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

So, I think regardless of the selected system theme we always want notify-osd to use this theme, so it shouldn't be called "humanity" or so.

Changed in notify-osd-icons (Ubuntu Karmic):
assignee: nobody → Martin Pitt (pitti)
importance: Undecided → Medium
milestone: none → ubuntu-9.10
status: New → Triaged
Revision history for this message
Vish (vish) wrote :

The present method of having a separate theme for notify-osd and having to add it in the inherits , is not sane
All apps have their own icons in the /usr/share/appname/icons/...
Apps just use the icons in the /usr/share/appsname/... as a fallback when themes dont have specific icons.

Notify-osd already has icons > /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/
But these are not stylized icons and are rather hicolor ones.

Seb's method is the most easiest , though i'm not sure if doing that breaks the copyright or ...

Martin Pitt (pitti)
Changed in notify-osd-icons (Ubuntu Karmic):
status: Triaged → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package notify-osd-icons - 0.2

notify-osd-icons (0.2) karmic; urgency=low

  * Turn this into an icon set for notify-osd, don't pretend we are a generic
    GNOME icon theme: (LP: #435836)
    - Makefile: Throw out all the index.theme building, i18n, and
      icon-naming-utils stuff.
    - Makefile: Install into /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/gnome/.
    - debian/control: Drop icon-naming-utils and intltool build dependencies.
    - Remove
    - Remove po/*.

 -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:45:54 +0200

Changed in notify-osd-icons (Ubuntu Karmic):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

I shuffled the icons to be a notify-osd specific icon set now, thanks for the hints!

Now I wonder whether humanity should indeed inherit from notify-osd still, since it's not actually a real icon set any more?

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