No logrotate files for nova-manage and nova-dhcbridge

Bug #942646 reported by David Kranz
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
nova (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

I noticed that a nova-dhcbridge log file was almost 1Gb after running for a long time. These two were the ones I saw not being rotated but there might be others for services I am not running.

CVE References

Changed in nova (Ubuntu):
importance: Undecided → Medium
Chuck Short (zulcss)
Changed in nova (Ubuntu):
status: New → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package nova - 2012.1~rc2-0ubuntu1

nova (2012.1~rc2-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  [ Adam Gandelman ]
  * debian/control: Remove unncessary nova-cert dependency from nova-api.
    (LP: #965356)
  * debian/nova-common.postinst: Clean up spacing, remove redundant chown,
    set blanket 0700 nova.nova permissions on /etc/nova/
  * debian/nova-compute-{kvm, lxc, uml, xen}.postinst: Set proper permissions
    on /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf (LP: #861459)
  * debian/nova-common.postinst: Ensure default nova.sqlite database is not
  * debian/{rules, nova-common.{install, postinst}}: Install api-paste.ini 0600
    with nova-common (in prepartion for proper nova-api-* package separation)
  * debian/{nova-common.nova-manage.logrotate,
    nova-network.nova-dhcpbridge.logrotate, rules}: Add lograte files,
    override_dh_installlogrotate. (LP: #942646)
  * Add manpage stubs for nova-api-ec2, nova-api-metadata,
    nova-api-os-{volume, compute}, nova-rootwrap. Use sphinx built manpage
    for nova-manage (nova-common.manpages)
  * debian/nova-compute-{kvm, xen, uml, qemu}.postinst: Remove calls to
    adduser since this is already handled from nova-compute.postsinst in a
    vendor neutral way. Silences lintian errors regarding adduser dependency

  [ Chuck Short ]
  * New upstream version.
  * debian/patches/libvirt-use-console-pipe.patch: Dropped.
  * debian/patches/nova-console-monitor.patch: Add console-monitor
  * debian/nova.conf: Enable use_console_monitor
  * debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-tests.patch: Fix nova testsuite.
  * debian/rules: fail package build if testsuite fails.
  * debian/patches/validate_server_name_length.patch: Dropped no longer
  * debian/patches/fix-docs-build-without-network.patch: Some docs need
    a network connection in order to build. Disable fetching docs from
    the internet.
  * debian/patches/0001-fix-useexisting-deprecation-warnings.patch:
    Remove deprecated warnings with sqlalchemy.

  [ Tyler Hicks ]
  * SECURITY UPDATE: Denial of service via resource exhaustion in nova-api
    (LP: #968411)
    - debian/patches/validate_server_name_length.patch: Limit server names
      to a maximum of 255 characters to prevent nova-api log files from
      exhausting storage space. Based on upstream patch.
    - CVE-2012-1585
 -- Chuck Short <email address hidden> Mon, 02 Apr 2012 11:17:33 -0400

Changed in nova (Ubuntu):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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