Activity log for bug #1492313

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-09-04 15:05:03 Jean-Baptiste Lallement bug added bug
2015-09-04 15:07:00 Jean-Baptiste Lallement attachment added krillin_mms_orange.tgz
2015-09-04 15:07:19 Jean-Baptiste Lallement attachment added arale_mms_free.tgz
2015-09-04 15:08:02 Jean-Baptiste Lallement description Tested MMS between the following 2 devices: - Device 1 current build number: 116 device name: krillin channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en Orange France SIM on second slot, data enabled and set to 3g on second slot - Device 2 current build number: 105 device name: arale channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.en Free Mobile On Free (DUT 2) I can send and receive MMS On Orange (DUT 1) I can only send and not receive. Tested MMS between the following 2 devices: - Device 1 current build number: 116 device name: krillin channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en Orange France SIM on second slot, data enabled and set to 3g on second slot - Device 2 current build number: 105 device name: arale channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.en Free Mobile On Free (DUT 2) I can send and receive MMS On Orange (DUT 1) I can only send and not receive. Similar to bug 1490673 with Sosh by Orange.
2015-09-04 15:22:30 Jean-Baptiste Lallement bug task added canonical-devices-system-image
2015-09-05 15:35:13 Launchpad Janitor nuntium (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2015-09-07 09:32:57 Alfonso Sanchez-Beato marked as duplicate 1490673