This bug was fixed in the package openldap - 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3
--------------- openldap (2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3) lucid-proposed; urgency=low
* debian/slapd.postinst: Properly index cn=localroot,cn=config olcAccess line on upgrade from karmic. (LP: #571057) -- Mathias Gug <email address hidden> Tue, 10 Aug 2010 12:36:27 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package openldap - 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3
openldap (2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3) lucid-proposed; urgency=low
* debian/ slapd.postinst: Properly index cn=localroot, cn=config olcAccess
line on upgrade from karmic.
(LP: #571057)
-- Mathias Gug <email address hidden> Tue, 10 Aug 2010 12:36:27 -0400