python-keystoneclient 1:5.5.0-0ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


python-keystoneclient (1:5.5.0-0ubuntu1) oracular; urgency=medium

  * d/gbp.conf: upstream-branch -> upstream-dalmatian.
  * New upstream release for OpenStack Dalmatian.

 -- James Page <email address hidden>  Tue, 24 Sep 2024 16:30:16 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
James Page
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Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release main python
Oracular release main python


Oracular: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
python-keystoneclient_5.5.0.orig.tar.gz 316.5 KiB c2f5934f95576936c98e45bf599ad48bcb0ac451593e5f8344ebf52cb0f411f5
python-keystoneclient_5.5.0-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz 29.3 KiB 509c2014973226e776ca4af7b2ba135e10ea4472ce5cdaa47d4283a61f81afb5
python-keystoneclient_5.5.0-0ubuntu1.dsc 3.5 KiB 13652f6042e2a96ddcbc9f1747870ea368daf67794d1a1958bb96404911f9521

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Binary packages built by this source

python-keystoneclient-doc: client library for the OpenStack Keystone API - doc

 This is the identity service used by OpenStack for authentication (authN)
 and high-level authorization (authZ). It currently supports token-based
 authN with user/service authZ, and is scalable to support OAuth, SAML,
 and OpenID in future versions. Out of the box, Keystone uses SQLite for
 its identity store database, with the option to connect to external LDAP.
 This is a client for the OpenStack Keystone API. There's a Python API
 (the "keystoneclient" module), and a command-line script ("keystone").
 Installing this package gets you a shell command, that you can use to
 interact with Keystone's API. Note that the "keystone" command line is
 currently deprecated in favor of the "openstack" one available within
 the "python3-openstackclient" package.
 This package contains the documentation.

python3-keystoneclient: client library for the OpenStack Keystone API - Python 3.x

 This is the identity service used by OpenStack for authentication (authN)
 and high-level authorization (authZ). It currently supports token-based
 authN with user/service authZ, and is scalable to support OAuth, SAML,
 and OpenID in future versions. Out of the box, Keystone uses SQLite for
 its identity store database, with the option to connect to external LDAP.
 This is a client for the OpenStack Keystone API. There's a Python API
 (the "keystoneclient" module), and a command-line script ("keystone").
 Installing this package gets you a shell command, that you can use to
 interact with Keystone's API. Note that the "keystone" command line is
 currently deprecated in favor of the "openstack" one available within
 the "python3-openstackclient" package.
 This package contains the Python 3.x module.