I've been using Intrepid since it's release date and this has not been an issue. Yesterday evening I installed Kubuntu and KDE 4.2 and when I logged back into Gnome this morning I received the message that "A supported PGP passphrase agent is not running".
I did the following and it resolved the issue:
sudo mv /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90gpg-agent ~/90gpg-agent.bak
Therefore, could this be related to something that Kubuntu installed?
I've been using Intrepid since it's release date and this has not been an issue. Yesterday evening I installed Kubuntu and KDE 4.2 and when I logged back into Gnome this morning I received the message that "A supported PGP passphrase agent is not running".
I did the following and it resolved the issue: Xsession. d/90gpg- agent ~/90gpg-agent.bak
sudo mv /etc/X11/
Therefore, could this be related to something that Kubuntu installed?